Take Our Golf School Survey
1. Would you like lower golf scores? 
2. Would you like to hit the golf ball farther?
3. Do you need to cure your slice?
4. Do you need to cure a hook?
5. Do you want to be a better putter?
6. Do you need to stop topping shots?
7. Are you hitting fat shots?
8. Could your short game use some help?
9. Are you brand new to the game?
10. Is your golf game stuck on a plateau?
11. Do you just want more enjoyment from the game?
If you answered yes to 3 or more of these questions, it’s time for you to come to golf school!
Sounds great! Take me to the Schedule and Rates
Whether you’re a brand new player, a seasoned tournament player or somewhere in between, you’ve found the right place to improve your golf game. The greatest players in the world prove every day that there is more than one way to swing a golf club effectively. We’ve never relied on method instruction where one swing fits all. Instead we prefer to size up each player to determine the best way for that player to improve. We’ve been around long enough to realize each individual has certain strengths and limitations. Our job is to teach you to discover your abilities and use them to your own advantage. Our goal is for you to leave with a thorough understanding of your golf swing and a blueprint for you to continue making progress on your own. We’ve seen players shave 10 strokes off their score just in the short time they were here. While we can’t guarantee that will happen for everyone, we do guarantee you will know what to do to achieve similar results.
“The premier golf school in the Myrtle Beach area.”
Golfer’s Guide

Ultimate Digital Mirror Software from JC Video
We use the latest technology with our digital video systems and teaching aids. Video lessons are uploaded to your own "student locker" on our website which you can access from a computer or mobile device. Lessons include voiceover analysis, before and after swings, tour player comparisons and Club Tracker™ swing plane technology. We even offer follow up video analysis via the internet.
"A fabulous golf school."